The Lapland and North Ostrobothnia (Pohjois-Pohjanmaa) hospital districts, together with Avaintec, are in the process of developing an AI app that will increase effectiveness in healthcare, as well as decrease unnecessary hospital visits.
In particular, the app will bring the possibilities of remote paediatric evaluation to Lapland. When a child becomes sick, parents answer carefully selected questions on the patient’s condition. The AI then consolidates the answers and pre-collected data to give care suggestions. In serious cases the app tells families to seek medical attention immediately, while less serious cases are recommended to wait or to see a doctor when possible.
The AI utilises data from Lapland’s databank, which was the first in Europe to receive the ISO 13485 quality certificate.
Yle reported on the project as well. Read more (in Finnish): ”Tekoäly voi tulla sairaanhoitoon jo muutaman vuoden sisällä”
Read more: Avaintec’s products are ISO 13485 certified